Now Also Consulting in Central London & Glasgow
Now Also Consulting in Central London & Glasgow
Now Also Consulting in Central London & Glasgow

Making an Appointment

  • Patients can be referred to us by their GP, however, it is not mandatory to have a doctor’s referral to visit our clinics – a GP’s referral is always helpful.
  • A GP referral does not mean that the consultation will be funded by the NHS; funding has to be approved by the local Clinical Commissioning Group. This can be available to patients who have previously been seen within the NHS without a satisfactory outcome (also see NHS Referrals).
  • Although a face-to-face consultation is preferable for both parties, for clients who live a long distance from the clinic or who are unable to attend due to ill health, (or International Clients) we can arrange a Skype or telephone consultation, following which laboratory tests can be arranged locally, keeping visits to the Clinic for tests or treatments which can only be carried out in our premises by our trained and skilled nurses.
  • When a booking for the initial consultation has been made, a medical questionnaire is sent by email or post for completion; please include any relevant test results. If the questionnaire is for some reason delayed and is not received one week before the appointment, the appointment will be cancelled.
  • The initial consultation is approximately one hour but it may require a longer time, which is charged pro rata (see Fees).
  • If you are taking antihistamines, we do ask you, if possible, to stop taking them for 5-7 days prior to your appointment, as this can affect the results of any skin tests. If stopping them is likely to cause any serious symptoms, it is advisable to continue taking them and mention this to the Specialist during your visit.  Nasal sprays or steroid preparations do not need to be stopped.
  • We see and treat all age groups, including children.
  • Please note that in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), effective from 25 May 2018, we have modified our Policies on Data Confidentiality and Data Protection. This is to ensure that any of your data is not passed on to a third party without your full authorisation; clients of The Burghwood Clinic or visitors to this website have access to their data and the right to request to have them erased; and that any personal data are strictly used for the purpose they were intended to i.e. to help improve its clients' health.