What the Initial Appointment Involves

  • The first consultation involves a discussion between you and the Specialist concerning your medical history and current symptoms. This is a more in-depth discussion of the information that will have been given on your Medical Questionnaire.
  • A physical examination may be carried out, if appropriate, depending on the nature of your problem.
  • Skin prick tests may be carried out at the time of the consultation. These are mainly used to check for inhalant allergies, such as house dust mite, animal dander, pollens, trees and so on. (See Skin Prick Tests for further information).
  • The results of these skin prick tests will be given at the time of the consultation.
  • Intradermal tests may be carried out, if appropriate, if food intolerance is suspected and specific items need to be checked. (See section under Intradermal Tests for further information).
  • Specific chemical tests can be carried out, i.e. if you suspect a latex allergy.
  • If blood tests are recommended, these can be carried out at the time of the consultation and the samples will be sent to accredited private pathology laboratories we use.
  • Explanations as to what are the likely causes of your symptoms will be given and discussed.
  • At the end of the consultation, a plan of action will be suggested and discussed with you, based upon the findings of the consultation. Written information will be given to you summarising the requirements. This may be avoidance measures, such as a modified diet, environmental controls or desensitisation treatment.
  • A follow up appointment will be arranged at the end of the consultation to discuss test results and progress with the recommendations made.
  • If you have given your permission, a summary of the consultation and treatment plan will be sent your GP with a copy to yourself.